求 王家卫 或者 杜琪峰 任意的电影剧本文字版~
Chow Mo Wan: When you don't take "no" for an answer, there is still a chance you'll get what you want.
Chow Mo Wan: I hvve a secret to tell you. Will you levve with me?
Chow Mo Wan: Whenever someone asked why I left 2046, I always gvve them some vague answer. It was easier.
Chow Mo Wan: I once fell in love with someone. I couldn't stop wondering if she loved me back. I found an android which looked just like her. I hoped she would give me the answer.
Chow Mo Wan: He didn't turn back. It's as if he boarded a very long train headed for a drowsy future through the unfathomable night.
Chow Mo Wan: Everyone who goes to 2046 has the same intention, they want to recapture lost memories. Because in 2046 nothing ever changes. But, nobody knows if that is true or not because no-one has ever e back.
Chow Mo Wan: Take care. Maybe one day you'll escape your past. If you do, look for me.
Chow Mo Wan: As I recall, that's the very last time we saw each other.
Chow Mo Wan: In love you can't bring on a substitute.
Chow Mo Wan: When the Peony blooms, she stands tall. Does she mean no or yes?
Bai Ling: Why can't it be like it was before?
Chow Mo Wan: Do you remember you asked me if there was anything I wouldn't lend? I've given it a lot of thought and now I know there is one thing I'll never lend to anyone.
Chow Mo Wan: Love is all a matter of timing.
Chow Mo Wan: Love is all a matter of timing.
Chow Mo Wan: It's no good meeting the right person too soon or too late.
Chow Mo Wan: If I'd live in another time or place...
Chow Mo Wan: 39 ...my story might hvve had a very different ending.
f19 Chow Mo Wan: I slowly began to doubt myself.
Chow Mo Wan: Maybe the reason she didn't answer was not that her reactions were delayed but simply that she didn't love me.
Chow Mo Wan: So at last, I got it. It's entirely beyond my control.
Chow Mo Wan: The only thing left for me... was to give up.
Chow Mo Wan: When you don't take "no" for an answer, there is still a chance you'll get what you want. 只要你自己不放弃,你永远都有机会。
Chow Mo Wan: I hvve a secret to tell you. Will you levve with me? 我哟个秘密想告诉你,跟我一起走?
Chow Mo Wan: Whenever someone asked why I left 2046, I always gvve them some vague answer. It was easier. 每次有人问我为什么离开2046,我总是含糊其辞.
Chow Mo Wan: I once fell in love with someone. I couldn't stop wondering if she loved me back. I found an android which looked just like her. I hoped she would give me the answer. 我曾经爱上一个人,我想知道她到底喜不喜欢我。我发现这个机器人很像她,我开始尝试在她身上寻找答案。
Chow Mo Wan: He didn't turn back. It's as if he boarded a very long train headed for a drowsy future through the unfathomable night. 他一直没有回头,他仿佛坐上一串很长很长的列车,在茫茫夜色中开往朦胧的未来。
Chow Mo Wan: Everyone who goes to 2046 has the same intention, they want to recapture lost memories. Because in 2046 nothing ever changes. But, nobody knows if that is true or not because no-one has ever e back. 每个人去2046,他们的目的只有一个,那就是找回失去的记忆,因为在2046一切都不改变。没有人知道这是不是真的,因为去过的人没有一个回来过.
Chow Mo Wan: Take care. Maybe one day you'll escape your past. If you do, look for me. 如果有一天你可以忘掉过去,记得来找我。
Chow Mo Wan: As I recall, that's the very last time we saw each other. 在我的记忆里,那是我们最后一次见面
Chow Mo Wan: In love you can't bring on a substitute. 爱情是没有替代品的
Chow Mo Wan: When the Peony blooms, she stands tall. Does she mean no or yes? 一若牡丹盛开,她站起身,走了,留下既非“是”又非“非”的答案。 (呵呵,翻译真是不好翻,中文里好有意境但翻译成英文,可就丧失了很多魅力,尤其这句)
Bai Ling: Why can't it be like it was before? 为什么我们不能象以前那样
Chow Mo Wan: Do you remember you asked me if there was anything I wouldn't lend? I've given it a lot of thought and now I know there is one thing I'll never lend to anyone. 你记不记得你曾经问过我,有什么东西我不借.现在我才知道,远来有些东西我永远不会借给别人
Chow Mo Wan: Love is all a matter of timing.
Chow Mo Wan: Love is all a matter of timing.爱情是有时间爱的
Chow Mo Wan: It's no good meeting the right person too soon or too late. 遇见的太早或太晚都不行
Chow Mo Wan: If I'd live in another time or place... 如过我能在另一和时间和空见先认识她
Chow Mo Wan: 39 ...my story might hvve had a very different ending. 这个故事的结局可能就不一样
f19 Chow Mo Wan: I slowly began to doubt myself. 我开始怀疑自己
Chow Mo Wan: Maybe the reason she didn't answer was not that her reactions were delayed but simply that she didn't love me. 她对你没有反应未必是因为它反映迟钝,也许是因为她对你没有感觉
Chow Mo Wan: So at last, I got it. It's entirely beyond my control. 到最后终于明白,有些事情不能勉强,
Chow Mo Wan: The only thing left for me... was to give up. 而我可以做的就是放弃。
白药师: 我一直以为你们(欧阳锋和"嫂子")会在一起。为什么你不嫁给他?
嫂子: 他从没说过他喜欢我。
白药师: 有些事情不一定要说出口。
嫂子:以前,我认为那句话很重要,因为我觉得有些事一旦说出来就是一生一世。现在想想,说不说也没有什么分别。有些事情是会变的。我一直以为是我自己赢了,直到有一天看着镜子,才知道自己输了。在我最美好的时候,我最喜欢的人都没有在我身边...如果能重新开始该多好! 其实你跟他这么好,为什么不告诉他我在这儿呢?
白药师: 我答应过你,所以我一直没告诉他。
嫂子: 你太老实了……
"让一个人死,最痛苦的方法就是先杀掉他最爱的人。 有些人是离开之后才发现离开了的才是自己的最爱。"